GrammarSoft ApS is a small company specializing in Language Technology. GrammarSoft was founded in 1999 by Eckhard Bick and John Dienhart, and is based in Århus and Odense (Denmark). From the start the company has had close ties with the VISL project at the University of Southern Denmark, and all commercial use of VISL is administered by GrammarSoft.
GrammarSoft is currently developing products and services in the following areas, either on its own, or as joint ventures (*) with other companies. Supported languages are added in red.
- Tools for enriching running text with grammatical information (large set of linguistic categories)
(University demo at SDU: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Esperanto)- Morphological Analyzers: Inflexion, Derivation, Compounding
- Natural Language Taggers: Part of speech annotation
- Natural Language Parsers: Syntactic annotation (subject, object etc.), syntactic trees and dependency structures, treebanks
- Constraint Grammar: Compiler, consulting and infrastructure (CG3, open source)
- Semantic NLP systems
- Named Entity Recognition (SDU info): Danish, English, German, Portuguese, Swedish
- Semantic Role and FrameNet annotation (SDU demo: English, Danish, Portuguese, Spanish)
- Machine translation (GramTrans): English-Danish, Swedish-Danish-Norwegian*, German-Danish
- Proofing Tools
- Spell and grammar checking (Danish: Demo, Esperanto: Lingvohelpilo)
- Comma checker (Danish)
- Lexicography
- Relational-contextual dictionaries (DeepDict)
- Framenets (English, Danish) and ontologies (10 languages: Categories)
- VISL Grammar teaching tools (SDU demo)
- Sentence Lab (24 languages*)
- Grammar Games (24 languages*)
- Sentence Lab (24 languages*)
Apart from licensing NLP- and teaching tools as such, GrammarSoft also offers services based on derived products: Grammatical annotation of customers’ texts, lexicographical services, data mining, human-revised machine translation, VISL courses and tailoring of customers’ teaching texts for use with the VISL teaching tools.
For further information, please send us an e-mail.